
This refers to the individual measurements that make up a measurement profile. All measurement values use centimeter as their unit.

You can find a list of our standard measurements for draft generation in the Resources section: Standard List Of Measurement IDs.

Get all measurements

API Request


Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id string no The measurement ID to filter measurements by
type string no The measurement type to filter measurements by. Possible values: body, final
gender string no The gender to filter measurements by. Possible values: male, female
inUse boolean no If true return only measurements in use. If false return all measurements. Default value: false

Example response

    "id": "mbHeight",
    "gender": "male",
    "type": "body",
    "minimum": 4,
    "maximum": 300
    "id": "mfCollarGirth",
    "gender": "male",
    "type": "final",
    "minimum": 15,
    "maximum": 270